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Souvenir Program & Coloring Book - International 3 Ring Circus

Hollywood, West Los Angeles

Price:  $35

My uncle was part of the original Keystone Cop films and also appeared as Korky the Clown Cop in many circuses. He traveled all over the world performing from the 1920's all the way up to the 1980's. He is amongst some of the most iconic clowns of that era. He was still performing at hospitals and schools for FREE into his 90's because he just loved and lived to entertain. Being a clown was his life! When clearing out his house in Hollywood after his death is 1990 I saved a ton of clown memorabilia and photos from his 70 year career. I am now starting to sell of a lot of the collection. All items were well-preserved and for their age, most are in really good condition. Many items have no yellowing or rips/tears. If you are in my area you can pick any of these items up in person, otherwise I can ship to anywhere in the U.S. for just an extra $5 - $10, depending on what item(s) you are interested in purchasing. If you're a clown or circus lover then I have dozens & dozens of items you might be interested in, including the one below:

This is a rare, collectible copy of the Souvenir Program & Coloring Book from the "International 3 Ring Circus". This event took place at the Neil Blaisdell Center from August 7-17 in 1980, presented by Kane Fernandez and Ralph Yempuku.

Features pictures and/or information on all of the following famous circus performers:

  • Eduardo Schmitt with his royal Bengal & Siberian tigers
  • Eliza - Queen of the Trapeze
  • The Pablo Rodriguez Troupe
  • Chris Bruno
  • The Windrites on trampoline
  • Dielkas Sisters
  • Daryl Keener and the Lancelot chimpanzees
  • Gerald Souled and his Poodles of Paris
  • Lorelei - the trapeze star
  • The flying Volares
  • Vino Venito - Austria’s master of sword, balance and manipulation
  • Jeanne Mendes and Eleanor – the worlds undisputed death-defying champion of the high wire

Clowns: Flower, Freddy, Roscoe, Timmie, and Marko.

NOTE: This copy is actually autographed by Mark Anthony, who was Marco the clown, and it also has a hand written personal letter written to Abe Goldstein and it is signed by Mark Anthony

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