US employers have been become greedier than Goddamn shit. All they think about is eliminating as many employees as possible. Either outsourcing, automating or simply hiring teens or immigrants who will work like slaves at minimum wage. Most have gotten rid ot their over 40 aged employees one way or another. And our Goddamn corrupt as crap government has done nothing but assist them in every way possible to eliminate employees in exchange for financial favors.
If you count all the millions on government assistance, people working part time jobs because there are no full times jobs around, homeless etc. only about half the country is working full time. This is a disgrace and it’s time for a revolution. Not some stupid insurrection like on Jan 6 2021. That had nothing to do with equality, it was just the conservatives wanting to retain power. I’m talking a real revolution and throw out all the corrupt politicians and take the power away from the Goddamn filthy rich and give it to the people.
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